TRES spectra

TRES Spectrograph
Reduction Software
Doug Mink, 2008-Sep-10

Telescope Data Center
TRES ThAr Image
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You can reduce TRES data using IRAF tools, but we have written a number of tasks which make it easier. To follow the process described on our Reduction page, you will need the following external IRAF packages:

TRES Package

These tasks were written especially for reducing TRES data.

The package can be downloaded via HTTP from

Precompiled Redhat Linux binaries for IRAF 2.14 are at

Precompiled Solaris binaries for IRAF 2.14 are at

You should download templates for the modes in which you have observed into the $tresdata/ directory from:
Fall (and earlier) 2010 runs with medium fibers
December 2009 through July 2010 runs with small and medium fibers
Later 2009 runs with small and medium fibers
March and April 2009 runs with small and medium fibers
December 2007 and January 2008 runs medium and large fibers
(usable at least through July 2008)
October 2007 run small fiber
September 2007 run medium fiber
September 2007 run small fiber

MSCRED Package

The MSCRED external package is used to reduce CCD mosaic data in which the data is in the mosaic Multi-Extension FITS (MEF) data format.

Check for the latest release. The needed files are usually found in the mscred/ subdirectory.

To process TRES data, you need our mscdb entries.
Here is the latest mscdb, with both ours and NOAO's entries via http:

Rvsao Package

While this package was originally written to compute radial velocities and redshifts, the sumspec task turned out to be very useful for manipulating files composed of stacks of spectra, such as those extracted from a multi-fiber spectrograph image. The emission-line-fitting task, emsao, can be used to measure emission lines for sky scaling (we use the OH emission line at 8399 Angstroms), while the cross-correlation task, xcsao can be used to check for contamination of supposed sky spectra by galaxy or star spectra, using our standard galaxy emission and absorption templates, femtemp97.fits and ztemp.fits.

You can download the package via HTTP from

Precompiled Redhat Linux binaries for IRAF 2.14 are at

Precompiled Solaris binaries for IRAF 2.14 are at

The templates we use for XCSAO are in rvsao$Templates/

WCSTools Package

This package interfaces IRAF to a package of tools which is used mostly for header manipulation, though it does lots of other things to images.
Source code in the IRAF package directory structure is at (readme)

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