Updated Zwicky Catalog Format |
Column | Heading | Content |
1 | ra2000 | J2000 Right Ascension (hhmmss.s) |
2 | dec2000 | J2000 Declination ([+/-]ddmmss) |
3 | Zmag | Zwicky magnitude |
4 | cz | Redshift (heliocentric km/s) |
5 | cze | Redshift error (heliocentric km/s) |
6 | T | Type of redshift (Absorption, Emission, Both) |
7 | U | UZC class 0-4
0: Nearest GSC object to the ZCAT coordinates within 180 arcseconds is a galaxy of appropriate magnitude 1: Nearest GSC object to the ZCAT coordinates is a star 2: Two galaxies of appropriate magnitude within 180 arcseconds 3: Galaxy of inappropriate magnitude within 180 arcseconds 4: No object within 180 arcseconds |
8 | Ne | Number of UZC neighbors |
9 | Zname | Zwicky name (Multiplets share a single such label) |
10 | C | Spectrum source: (FAST, Z-Machine, MMT Spectrograph, X=low S/N FAST spectrum |
11 | Ref | ZCAT literature reference number (blank if unpublished CfA data) |
12 | Oname | Other name |
13 | M | * if UZC multiple |
14 | N | Zwicky multiplet as reported by NED Pair, Triple, Group |