- 1. Print Usage Instructions
- nedpos
- NEDPOS 3.7.1, 19 September 2007, Doug Mink SAO
- nedpos: Return RA and Dec for object name using NED, the NASA/IPAC
- Extragalactic Database from JPL at Caltech
- Usage: nedpos [-dimoptvz][b|e|g] name1 name2 ...
- nedpos [-dimoptvz][b|e|g] @namelist ...
- name(n): Objects for which to search (space -> _)
- namelist: File with one object name per line
- -b: Print coordinates in B1950 instead of J2000
- -d: Print coordinates in degrees instead of sexigesimal
- -e: Print coordinates in ecliptic instead of J2000
- -g: Print coordinates in galactic instead of J2000
- -i: Print IDs returned from NED
- -m: Print magnitude for each object returned from NED
- -n: Print first name for each object returned from NED
- -o: Print object type for each object returned from NED
- -p: Print position for each object returned from NED
- -t: Print output as tab-separated table
- -v: Print extra descriptive info
- -z: Print velocity for each object returned from NED
- 2. Single object in verbose mode
- nedpos -v ngc4486b
- ngc4486b -> NGC4486BUGCA283IZw038VCC1297VPC0755CGCG070-231CGCG1228.0+1246CGPG1228.0+1246MCG+02-32-101GIN7832MASXJ12303198+1229248USGCU490NED166PGC041327UZCJ123032.0+122925[HMS56]1227.9+1247LGG289:[G93]079[M98j]174NED137[FCJ2006]061LEDA041327 ra= 12:30:31.850 dec=+12:29:26.00 J2000 G
- HRV : 1555.02370
- HRV_UNC : 4.19710
- HRV_REFCODE: 2000MNRAS.313..469S
- BH_EXTIN : 0.09000
- DIAM1 : 0.6
- DIAM2 : 0.6
- MAG : 14.36
- MORPH : cE0
- 3. Position for one object with magnitude and velocity
- nedpos -mz ngc4486b
- ngc4486b 12:30:31.850 +12:29:26.00 J2000 14.36 1555.02370
- 4. Position for a list of objects
- nedpos -t m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m7 m8 m9 m10 | justify
catalog NASA Extragalactic Database
radecsys J2000
equinox 2000.0
epoch 2000.0
program NEDPOS 3.7.1, 19 September 2007, Doug Mink SAO
id ra dec
--- ------------ ------------
m1 05:34:31.971 +22:00:52.06
m2 21:33:27.012 -00:49:23.94
m3 13:42:11.226 +28:22:31.64
m4 16:23:35.403 -26:31:31.88
m5 15:18:33.752 +02:04:57.66
m6 17:40:20.748 -32:15:14.96
m7 17:53:51.180 -34:47:34.18
m8 18:03:41.265 -24:22:48.60
m9 17:19:11.781 -18:30:58.53
m10 16:57:08.991 -04:05:57.57
Last updated 19 September 2007 by
Doug Mink