Use imtycho to List the 10 Brightest Hipparcos Tycho Catalog stars in an image

Find the 10 brightest Hipparcos Tycho Catalog stars in image test.fts and sort them by right ascension.
$ > imtycho -h -s test.fts

imtycho 2.5, 8 December 1998, Doug Mink, SAO
test.fts: RA:  09:54:09.518 - 09:56:24.378 J2000
test.fts: Dec: +68:55:30.78 - +69:07:34.87 J2000
2 Tycho Catalog Stars at 1995.80 in FITS image test.fts
Tycho number  RA2000       Dec2000     MagR MagV     X      Y   Type  Arcsec
4383.20441 09:55:01.109 +68:56:22.28  11.30  10.54  632.9   73.6  G5   322.02
4383.11271 09:55:02.729 +68:56:21.81  11.27  10.52  620.6   72.9  G4   320.28
where the columns are region.number, J2000 RA, J2000 Dec, magnitude (V in north, B in south), image X and Y pixel coordinates computed using the image world coordinate system, and the object type (0=star, 3=nonstar). To write a file test.fts.tycho, use
imtycho -w test.fts

Last updated 11 December 1998 by Doug Mink

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