1. Print Usage Instructions
Print basic instructions for use of this program by typing only the program
$ gettab
GETTAB 2.6, 22 January 1999, Doug Mink, SAO
Print FITS or IRAF header keyword values
usage: gethead [-ahtv][-n num] file1.tab ... filen.tab kw1 kw2 ... kwn
gethead [-ahptv][-n num] @filelist kw1 kw2 ... kwn
gethead [-ahptv][-n num]
2. Verbose Mode
Print the X and Y columns from a tab table
in verbose mode.
$ gettab -v test.tab X Y fiber\<5
GETTAB 2.6, 22 January 1999, Doug Mink, SAO
Print table Values from tab table file hectobj.tab
X = 1523
Y = 1024
X = 970
Y = 1073
X = 1024
Y = 1020
X = 1543
Y = 1701
3. Default Output Format
Print the X and Y columns from a tab table.
$ gettab test.tab X Y fiber\<5
1523 1024
970 1073
1024 1020
1543 1701
4. Tab Table Output
Print the fiber, X, and Y columns from a tab table.
$ gettab -t test.tab fiber X Y fiber\<5
fiber X Y
----- - -
1 1523 1024
2 970 1073
3 1024 1020
4 1543 1701
5. Tab Table Output with Different Column Names
Print the fiber, X, and Y columns from a tab table,
but call them FIBER, FIBER_X and FIBER_Y.
$ gettab -t test.tab fiber@FIBER X@FIBER_X Y@FIBER_Y fiber\<5
----- ------- -------
1 1523 1024
2 970 1073
3 1024 1020
4 1543 1701
6. Single Line Output with Different Column Names
Print the fiber, X and Y columns for a single line in
tab table, calling them FIBER, FIBER_X, and FIBER_Y.
Print them as assignment statements which can be used as input by
$ gettab -e test.tab fiber@FIBER X@FIBER_X Y@FIBER_Y fiber=4
Last updated 03 August 2018 by
Jessica Mink