Name of a file with list of emission or absorption lines with the
following information for each line:
Center wavelength of line in Angstroms
Half-width of line: in Angstroms if positive, in km/sec if negative
Height of line in counts (this is arbitrary)
Name of line
Sigma (half-width at half-maximum) in Angstroms due to instrument
resolution. A Gaussian of this sigma is convolved with the spectrum generated
from linelist.
Delta lambda / lambda to which to shift individual spectral lines.
This is useful for making spectra for very distant objects and supercedes
velspec if it is not zero. Wavelength limits are not changed
Continuum level for output spectrum. This is useful if software
to be used on the created spectrum has problems with a continuum of zero or
absorption lines with negative nadirs.
If yes, a plot of the final output spectrum is displayed.
Cursor commands are activated, and a peak other than the maximum
can be chosen to be the center with the keystroke \fIp\fR. Hard copies
to stdplot may also be made using the \fI@\fR command.