rvsao. eqwidth Parameters

  • Spectrum spectra specnum specband specdir
  • Process Spectrum bands bandcont banddir bandfilt bindim byexp bypix obj_plot fixbad badlines renormalize contsub_plot torest plot_contsub plot_fitcont plot_pobj plotter int_contsub int_obj mag magzero netflux nsmooth nsum
  • Save Results report_mode archive save_vel verbose debug

    Spectrum [contents] [index] [procedure]

    spectra ""
    List of file names of spectra to analyze. @filename indicates list should come from file filename. As of version 1.3, apertures of multispec spectrum files can be entered as numbers, lists, or ranges enclosed in brackets after each file name in the list or file.
    specnum 0
    If this is nonzero and spectra contains a single file name, this is a range of apertures in a multispec file in which emission lines will be fit. This number is ignored if a spectrum number is specified using brackets. Wavelength dispersion information is read from APNUMn or the WCS keywords. Velocity information is read from APVELn and saved in APVELn and APVEMn.
    specband 0
    If this is nonzero, it is the band in the multispec file(s) specified by spectra in which emission lines will be fit. Wavelength dispersion information is read from APNUMn, where n is the aperture specified by specnum or the WCS keywords. Velocity information is read from APVELn and saved in APVELn and APVEMn. (New in version 2.0)
    skyband 0
    Sky spectrum band if this is a multispec spectrum which contains a removed sky spectrum. This is used to compute error.
    specdir "./"
    Directory containing spectrum to be analyzed. This part of the pathname is not printed at the top of the page, and is assumed to be the same for all spectra listed in the spectra parameter.

    Process Spectrum [contents] [index]

    output ""
    Output file name
    bands ""
    Name of file containing bandpasses over which to compute equivalent widths
    banddir ""
    Name of directory containing bandpass file
    bandfilt no
    If yes, filter names follow wavelength limits in bandpass file
    bandcont no
    Continuum names precede wavelength limits in bandpass file
    bindim 0
    Minimum number of rows in bin by one spectrum
    normalize no
    Normalize the bandpass response (yes or no)
    fitcont yes
    If yes, fit continuum instead of averaging points (yes or no)
    netflux no
    Compute net flux from emission region instead of eqwidth
    byexp no
    Convert to counts per second (exposure normalization)
    bypix no
    Convert to counts per row (spatial normalization)
    torest yes
    If yes, measure flux at rest wavelength instead of observed wavelengths. Shift band wavelengths using VELOCITY keyword.
    mag no
    Output results in magnitudes?
    magzero 0.
    Magnitude zero point
    device "stdgraph"
    Display device
    plot_pobj no
    Plot the raw object data
    int_obj no
    Interact with plot of raw object data
    plot_fitcont no
    Plot the continuum fit to the data
    plot_contsub no
    Plot the continuum-subtracted data
    int_contsub no
    Interact with plot of continuum-subtracted data
    nsmooth 0
    Number of times to 1-2-1 smooth plotted spectra
    report_mode 1
    Report mode (1 standard 2 line names in headings)
    nsum 1
    Number of pixels to sum across dispersion
    hardcopy no
    Automatic hardcopy of results (yes or no)
    plotter "stdplot"
    Hardcopy output device
    debug no
    Print debugging info (yes or no)
    verbose yes
    If yes, a header describing equivalent width parameters is sent to output.

    EQWIDTH Parameters, Alphabetically

    bandcont banddir bandfilt bindim bands byexp bypix debug device fitcont hardcopy int_contsub int_obj mag magzero netflux nsmooth nsum output plot_contsub plot_fitcont plot_pobj plotter report_mode renormalize specband specdir specnum spectra torest verbose

    [rvsao] [eqwidth]

    Last updated 02 November 2012 by Jessica Mink Telescope Data Center