Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Telescope Schedules
Many of these were found on
Anglo-Australian Telescope
Apache Point Observatory
Australia Telescope Compact Array, Parkes, MOPRA
Bologna 152cm Telescope
Calar Alto Observatory
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Astronomie)
Canada France Hawaii Telescope
(CFHT at DAO) - Archive, too
Canada France Hawaii Telescope
(CFHT at Hawaii)
Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory
Chandra X-Ray Observatory
David Dunlap Observatory 1.88m
European Southern Observatory
Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory
Gemini Observatory
Haystack Observatory
Hobby*Eberly Telescope
Hubble Space Telescope
Infra-Red Telescope Facility
Keck Observatory
Keck Telescope
Kitt Peak National Observatory
La Palma - Isaac Newton Group
La Palma - Nordic Optical Telescope
La Silla - 3.6m Telescope
La Silla - ESO Schedules
Lick Observatory
Lowell Observatory Perkins Telescope
McCormick Observatory
(U. of Virginia)
Michigan-Columbia-OSU Telescope
MMT Observatory
Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories
NRAO 12m Telescope
Padova: Ekar 182cm Telescope
Three College Observatory
(UNC/Greensboro, NC A&T, Guilford College)
University of Hawaii IfA: 2.2m Telescope
Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope
Very Large Array
Very Long Baseline Array / Global Network
Whipple Observatory
(SAO) (
1.5m (
) (
) (restricted)
William Herschel Telescope
Wise Observatory
WIYN (restricted)
Last modified on Thursday, 29-Jan-2009 15:56:38 EST
SAO Telescope Schedules