PA-12A-0238 | Fine, Shanks, Green, Croom, Webster | Reverberation Mapping of ~1000 QSOs | Hectospec |
PA-12A-0332 | Brown, Walkowicz, Hawley, Kowalski, Saar, Furesz | MMT Hectochelle Spectral Variability of Active Late-type Stars in the Kepler Field (2012A) | Hectochelle |
PA-12A-0353 | Dey, Prescott, Hong | Mapping the Cosmic Web at z~2.7 | Hectospec |
SAO-1 | Brown, Kilic | Merging White Dwarf Binaries | Blue Channel |
SAO-2 | Strader, Caldwell, Romanowsky, Brodie | M87 and the Virgo Cluster | Hectospec |
SAO-3 | Geller, Fabricant, Kurtz, Hwang, Diaferio, Rines | HectoMAP: Clusters and Large-Scale Structure at 0.25<z<0.5 | Hectospec |
SAO-4 | Brown, Kilic | Remnant Planetary Systems Around White Dwarfs | SWIRC |
SAO-5 | Foley, Kirshner, Simon | Circumstellar Material in Type Ia Supernova Progenitor Systems | Hectochelle |
SAO-6 | Walker, Olszewski, Belokurov | Galactic Sub-Substructure and the Nature of Ultrafaint Galaxies: Segue 1 and the Orphan Stream | Hectochelle |
SAO-7 | Strader, Caldwell, Seth, Szentgyorgyi, Ivans | The Hectochelle Northern Galactic Globular Cluster Survey | Hectochelle |
SAO-8 | Benbow, Furniss, Williams, Fumagalli, Hogan | Determining Blazar Redshifts for Studies of the EBL | Hectospec |
SAO-9 | Wright, Drake, Guarcello, Hora, van der Veen, Steeghs, Drew | The Stellar Content and Dynamics of Cygnus OB2 | Hectospec |
SAO-10 | Berger,Chomiuk,Chornock,Czekala,Dittmann,Drout,Foley,Kirshner,Lunnan,Margutti,Marion,Milisavljevic,Narayan,Sanders,Soderberg,Stubbs,Zauderer | The MMT Spectroscopic Survey of Pan-STARRS Transients | Hectospec/Blue Channel |
SAO-11 | Adams, Dupree, McCarthy, Kulesa | High-Resolution Images of Kepler/Spitzer Targets | NGS/ARIES |
SAO-12 | Meibom, Barnes, Furesz, Latham, Szentgyorgyi | Toward Better Ages for Stars and Their Planets | Hectochelle |
SAO-13 | Hora, Koenig, Cygnus-X Team | Characterization of Cygnus-X Young Stellar Objects with Hectospec | Hectospec |
SAO-14 | Dupree, Adams, Gilliland | Double Dipping and More in the Kepler Field II | Hectochelle |
SAO-15 | Benbow, Furniss, Williams, Fumagalli, Hogan | Parallel Observations to Determine Blazar Redshifts for Studies of the EBL | Hectospec |
UAO-E15 | Bendek, Hart, McCarthy, Kulesa, Newman | Commissioning ARIES Spectroscopy and Detailed Performance Characterization with the MMT GLAO System | LGS/ARIES |
UAO-G44 | Jones, Packham, Shenoy | Imaging Polarimetry with MMTPol | MMTPol |
UAO-G45 | Humphreys, Grammer | Luminous and Unstable Stars in N4214 and M101 | Hectospec |
UAO-G49 | Evans, Borish, Privon, Kim, McCarthy, Kulesa, Armus, Petric, Surace | Nuclear Star Formation and AGN Activity in Luminous Infrared Galaxy MergersNGS/ARIES |
UAO-G50 | Zheng, Yan, Shi, Mao, Huang, Gu, Chen, Xia, Hao | WISE+UKIDSS: Unveiling Rapid Black Hole Growth in Obscuration | Red Channel |
UAO-G51 | Fang, H. Wang, M. Wang | Spectroscopic Survey of Young Stars in North American and Pelican Nebulae | Hectospec |
UAO-S1 | Cai, Fan, Frye, McGreer | MApping the Most Massive Overdensity Through Hydrogen (MAMMOTH) | Blue Channel |
UAO-S2 | Patience, King, De Rosa, Bell, Scowen | Confirmation and Characterization of Substellar and Degenerate Companions | NGS/ARIES |
UAO-S3 | McGreer, Fan, Jiang | The Faint QSO Luminosity Function at z ~ 5 from CFHTLS-W3 | Red Channel |
UAO-S4 | Windhorst, Morrison, Arnouts, Yun, Owen, Dickinson, Miller, Keel, Sengupta, Miller | Abell 1882-SuperGroup: Galaxy Cluster Assembly at z = 0.14 | Hectospec |
UAO-S6 | Dey, Lee, Jannuzi | A Search for the Most Actively Star-Forming Galaxies at z ~ 3.7 | Hectospec |
UAO-S9 | Stark, Belokurov, Robertson, Auger, Sand | Physical Properties of Gravitationally-Lensed Galaxies in SDSS | Red Channel |
UAO-S11 | Cl�ment, Egami, Jiang | Spectroscopic Identification of z ~ 6 7 Candidates in Massive Lensing Cluster Fields and the Subaru Deep Field | Red Channel |
UAO-S12 | Olszewski, Walker, Mateo, Belokurov | Galactic Sub-Substructure and the Nature of Ultrafaint Galaxies: Segue 1 and the Orphan Stream | Hectochelle |
UAO-S17 | Smith, Bilinski, Mauerhan | Constraining Pre-Supernova Mass Loss: Spectroscopy of Circumstellar Gas Overtaken by the Blast Wave | Blue Channel |
UAO-S20 | Smith, Mauerhan | Spectroscopic Followup of Explosive Massive-Star Transients | Blue Channel |
UAO-S30 | Zheng, Rhoads, Malhotra, McLinden, Smith | Lyman Alpha Emitters at z = 2.1: Evolution on both the Ly- Luminosity Function and the Spectral Energy Distribution? | Hectospec |