Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics 1.5-m FAST Spectrograph Programs Fred L. Whipple Observatory
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63Orion OB ExtinctionAdams
137Study of intermediate-mass stars NGC7160Aguilar
146SIRTF Shallow SurveyAshby
115Pre Main SequenceBalog
48Hercules SuperclusterBarmby
33Compact GroupsBarton
73Close Pairs of GalaxiesBarton
196Astronomy 100Berger/Soderberg
225SLSNe and TDEs from PSSTBerger
39Dwarf Nova ObservationsBerlind
111Seyfert GalaxiesBoyer
83Persei Mass FunctionBragg/Kenyon
138Ha in Be+F Supergiant BinariesBragg
66Boroson-Green VectorBrandt
38Taurus Low Mass PMSBriceno
114Galaxy Luminosity FuncBrown
118UV GalaxiesBrown
122Searching for Streams in the Galactic HaloBrown/Kenyon
178Extremely Low Mass White DwarfsBrown/Kilic
182Runaway B StarsBrown
205Merging Low Mass White Dwarf BinariesBrown
10M67 SpectrumCaldwell
70Elliptical Galaxy AgesCaldwell
139Line Strength Gradients in M32Caldwell
140Star Forming Disk Galaxies in ClustersCaldwell
44X-Ray NovaeCallanan
112PMS in OrionCalvet
89Herbig NeBe Spectrals (Ae/Be Stars)Calvet
75Local Density FunctionCarter
215T Tauri Star Veiling StandardsCauley
47Emission-Line GalaxiesChaffee
235Giant Low Surface Brightness GalaxiesChilingarian
226GAIA-ESO Benchmark StarsConroy
198Improving Precision of Astronomical MeasurementsCramer/Stubbs
18Astrophysical ShocksCuriel
26HH JetsCuriel
170h&chi Persei Cluster MembershipCurrie
14ROSAT GroupsDell'Antonio
22Poor ClustersDell'Antonio
8QSO ID`SDobrzycki
93Hamburg Schmidt SurveyDobrzycki/Elvis/Hu
93Hamburg Schmidt SurveyDobrzycki/Elvis/Hu
243Rapid Spectroscopy of Young Supernovae with FASTDong
157ID of Bright IPHAS Emission SourcesWright/Drake/Steeghs
147AGN SolutionsElvis
90Ho IX Emission ShellEriksen
4Field Galaxy SurveyFabricant
31Gravitational LensesFalco
41Faint Radio SourcesFalco
84Updated Zwicky CompletionFalco
141Mapping the Nearby UniverseHuchra/Falco
220ASAS TransientsFalco
87IRAC Spectral CalibratorsFazio
107Micro-Quasar CI CamGarcia
65X-ray NovaeGarcia
159Type 1a Supernova MetallicityKirshner/Garnavich
315R RedshiftsGeller
53C373 SurveyGeller
55Edge-On Galaxy SurveyGeller
60CfA Redshift CompletionGeller
113Interacting GalaxiesGeller
1602MASS Cluster SurveyGeller
210Testing the Role of Bright Cluster GalaxiesGeller
233FLEET: Finding Luminous and Exotic Extragalactic TransientsGomez
37Power of PolarizationGoodman
106White DwarfsGreen
32Carbon StarsGreen
79White DwarvesGreen
188Getting to Know an Oxymoron: Dwarf Carbon Stars from the SDSSGreen
189How to Find the Elusive S Dwarf StarsGreen
209Broad Absorption Line QuasarsGreen
242Confirmation and Study of Variable Dwarf Carbon StarsGreen
42Morphology-Density RelnGrogin
116Dwarf NovaeGroot
119IP PegGroot
121U Gem Outburst Accretion Disk Spiral ArmGroot
131Faint Sky Visibility SurveyGroot
132HST FGS reference StarsGroot
193Double Radio Source 4C 41.08Harris
102Taurus PMS CandidatesHartmann
183Young Stars in the Cygnus-X RegionHora
203Spitzer Spectral TypesHora
93Hamburg Schmidt SurveyDobrzycki/Elvis/Hu
17Warpfire IIHuchra
24Globular ClustersHuchra
25K band LFHuchra
43LSS at Low LatHuchra
53Faint CfA Survey GalaxiesHuchra
682MASS Redshift SurveyHuchra
9Abell ClustersHuchra
1Redshift SurveyHuchra
141Mapping the Nearby UniverseHuchra/Falco
216Local Compact Galaxy GroupsHwang
204M-Dwarf Rotation/Activity RelationshipIrwin
134OGLE Transiting PlanetsJha
91Supernova Host GalaxiesJha/Garnavich
143Fastest Be/X-Ray PulsarKaaret
117Irregular GalaxiesKannappan
62Field Galaxy KinematicsKannappan
100BG Geminorum OrbitKenyon
30Pre-Main Sequence StarsKenyon
74Ophiuchus PMS StarsKenyon
219WISE Debris Disk CandidatesKenyon
135Starburst Galaxy EmissionKewley
178Extremely Low Mass White DwarfsKilic/Brown
200A FAST Survey for Extremely Metal-Poor StarsKilic
52Xray Selected QuasarsKim
58X-ray Peculiar ObjectsKim
2SN ObservationsKirshner
159Type 1a Supernova MetallicityKirshner/Garnavich
201Spectra of the host galaxies of CfA3 SupernovasKirshner
88LMF of GalaxiesKochanek
179OB Stars in W5Koenig
190Cygnus X Young B Star DisksKoenig
35Poor Cluster KinematicsKoranyi
69QSO Emission and ContinuumKuraszkiewicz
217Emission Lines and SEDs of High-z 3CRR sourcesKuraszkiewicz
151AGN Emission Line RegionsLandt
161FR I/FR II Radio Galaxy Morphology DichotomyLandt
11A Star VelocitiesLatham
197Dynamical Masses for Eclipsing White DwarfsLatham
152FAST Spectra of Bright ChaMPlane SourcesLaycock
208Binary Massive Black Hole CandidatesLiu
128A Search for Nearby Young AssociationsLuhman
136Low-mass Members of Taurus and IC 348Luhman
46Solar System ObjectsLuu
28Dark Matter in E'sMackie
59X-ray GroupsMahdahvi
227Bright Changing-Look Quasar CandidatesMacLeod
229Decoding the Structure and Dynamics of MKN 110's Broad Line RegionMacLeod
29Rich Group SurveyMahdavi
104Neutron Star MassesMcClintock
77X-Ray BinariesMcClintock
202Kepler Single-Line BinariesMcClintock
23HST Snapshot SurveyMcDowell
142OMC2/OMC3 Cluster CandidatesMegeath
211Supernova Dust FormationMilisavljevic
78Hectospec Red SpectraMink
228Mid-to-Late M Dwarf ActivityMondrik
221Bright Highly Varable ObjectsMorganson
103CaII IR TripletMuzerolle
82PMS G Stars Spect TypesMuzerolle
222Mid-Late White DwarfsNewton
167Seyfert 2 [OIII] MeasurementNicastro
180Stellar and Dark Mass in NGC 4555O'Sullivan
236Low-Mass M-Dwarf BinariesPass
123Membership and Coronal Activity on NGC2232Patten
218M dwarfs in binaries with white dwarfsPoppenhaeger
20IC 4665Prosser
54Open Cluster NGC 2232Prosser
21CfA Rich GroupsRamella
51HH ObjectsRaymond
67Interstellar ShocksRaymond
212Jet-Blown Bubble of Cyg X-1Raymond
213Cygnus Loop Spitzer PositionsRaymond
64Galaxy Cluster InfallRines
171Local Universe Mass FunctionRines
172SDSS ClustersRines
181Population of SDSS AM CVn binariesRoelofs
207Open Cluster Ruprecht 147Saar
72Stellar MicroscopySasselov
50Bright ROSAT IDsSchlegel
1912XMM Variable Follow-upServillat
98GPB StarsShapiro
127Star Formation and Disk EvolutionSicilia-Aguilar, A.
129FAST spectra of Bright ChaMP SourcesSilverman
196Astronomy 100Berger/Soderberg
85F-M Giants HKSoon
173Small Solar System BodiesSpahr
56Spectrophotometric StdsStaff
57Velocity StandardsStaff
61Luminosity StandardsStaff
126GRB MonitoringStanek
108Age of Vega Type StarsStauffer
19Translucent CloudsStauffer
27Theta Ori MonitoringStauffer
144AM CVnSteeghs
157ID of Bright IPHAS Emission SourcesWright/Drake/Steeghs
148Accretion Disk Spiral ShocksSteeghs
198Improving Precision of Astronomical MeasurementsCramer/Stubbs
206Harvard Undergraduate Physics ClassStubbs
145Dynamics of A2384Sun
184Large Amplitude Variables Near M44Tang
192DASCH Long-Term VariablesTang
92Bright QuasarsTesch
101Absolute dimensions of Cool AlgolsTorres
76Orion TTSTorres
149Black Hole X-ray NovaeTorres
174Cyg X-2 Doppler TomographyM.Torres
130FAST spectra of Solar System ObjectsTraub
81Abell 1644 RedshiftsTustin
162NGC6791 Chandra Optical CounterpartsVan den Berg
36Tycho SNR abundancesVancura
34QSO Emission LinesVestergaard
150Distant Cluster SurveyVikhlinin
86Her X-1/HZ HerVrtilek
133Markarian 421Weekes
16Rosat QSOWilkes
45PG QuasarsWilkes
49ISO QuasarsWilkes
6AGN MonitoringWilkes
7QSO ContinuumWilkes
185NGC3227 MonitoringWilkes
224Typing M17 StarsWillis
109ROSAT Orion PMS StarsWolk
71Brown Dwarfs Sigma OrioniWolk
157ID of Bright IPHAS Emission SourcesWright/Drake/Steeghs
186Confirmation of IPHAS-selected S-type AGB StarsWright
187Stellar X-ray Sources in Deep Chandra SurveysWright
241Untangling the Web of Explosive Transients with the YSEYadavalli
120Xray emitting IRAS sourcesZezas
124Optical Spectroscopy of COLA North GalaxiesZezas
125Optical Spectroscopy of hard Xray selected objectsZezas
176Be/X-ray binaries circumstellar disksZezas
1773CRR Radio GalaxiesZezas
199Optical nuclear spectroscopy of nearby galaxiesZezas
214SDSS Compact Galaxy GroupsZezas
Last modified on Tuesday, 01-Oct-2024 17:39:17 EDT
Comments or Questions? Contact Jessica Mink