To reduce IOTA data, there are two software packages available. One is based on C code, the other one on IDL routines:
A package of tools written in C is the IOTA Data Reduction Software (IOTA-DRS, IDRS). IDRS computes visibilities and closure phases using alternative algorithms, either based on the continuous wavelet transform, or based on the power spectrum. It makes use of other packaged software libraries for Fourier transformation, data output, and plotting; required libraries are included in the IDRS distribution. IDRS produces output files which are consistent with OIFITS, the IAU data exchange standard for optical/IR interferometry based on FITS.
The IDRS package (routines, test data, manual)
is available in its latest version at
For system requirements and installation instructions,
refer to the
Support for IDRS is available from the author Stefan Kraus (UMich, Ann Arbor, MI/USA). If you decide to use IDRS, please send a short notification to the author and give an appropriate acknowledgement in relevant publications.
A reduction package based on IDL makes use of IDL's data analysis environment. The package also includes an IDL library designed to read and write optical interferometry data conforming to OIFITS.
The IDL reduction package may be requested from its author John D. Monnier (personal homepage, UMich, Ann Arbor). He will provide hints for installation and initial use of the package.